import numpy as np
import netCDF4 as nc
import os
from struct import pack, unpack
import sloth.slothHelper as slothHelper
import sloth.coordTrafo
################################ PFB ###########################################
def write_packed(f, fmt, val):
f.write(pack(fmt, val))
def create_pfb(filename, var, delta=(1, 1, 1), subgrids=(1, 1, 1)):
Create a ParFlow PFB file from a 3D array of variable data.
filename : str
Name of the PFB file to be created.
var : ndarray
3D array of variable data to be stored in the PFB file.
delta : tuple of float, optional
Grid spacing values in the x, y, and z directions. Default is (1, 1, 1).
subgrids : tuple of int, optional
Number of subgrids in the x, y, and z directions. Default is (1, 1, 1).
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.random.rand(10, 20, 30)
>>> create_pfb('output.pfb', data, delta=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
This creates a PFB file named 'output.pfb' from a 3D array 'data' with
custom delta settings.
nz, ny, nx = var.shape
dz, dy, dx = delta
sz, sy, sx = subgrids
filepfb = open(filename, 'wb')
# Write start indices of global domain in x, y, z direction
write_packed(filepfb, '>d', 0)
write_packed(filepfb, '>d', 0)
write_packed(filepfb, '>d', 0)
# Write number of global gridpoints in x, y, z direction
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', nx)
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', ny)
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', nz)
# Write delta x, delta y and delta z
write_packed(filepfb, '>d', dx)
write_packed(filepfb, '>d', dy)
write_packed(filepfb, '>d', dz)
nSubGrid =
nnx = int(nx / sx)
nny = int(ny / sy)
nnz = int(nz / sz)
# Write the subgrid grid ID
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', nSubGrid)
for iz in np.arange(sz)*nnz:
for iy in np.arange(sy)*nny:
for ix in np.arange(sx)*nnx:
#print(ix,iy,iz, nnx,nny,nnz)
# Write start indices in x, y, z direction
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', int(ix))
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', int(iy))
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', int(iz))
# Write number of grid points in x, y and z direction for this
# subgrid
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', nnx)
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', nny)
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', nnz)
# Write the relative(to global) grid refinement in this subgrid
# 0=same resolution as global
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', 0)
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', 0)
write_packed(filepfb, '>i', 0)
# Assuming the data is stored in 3D array called varArray of
# global size nz*ny*nx
fmt = ">%dd" % (nnz*nny*nnx)
filepfb.write(pack(fmt, *var[iz:iz+nnz,
def read_pfb(filename):
Read a ParFlow PFB file and return the data as a numpy ndarray.
filename : str
Name of the PFB file to be read.
data : ndarray
3D array containing the data read from the PFB file.
>>> data = read_pfb('input.pfb')
>>> print(data.shape)
(10, 20, 30)
This reads a PFB file named 'input.pfb' and returns the data as a 3D array.
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
# read meta informations of datafile
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f8', count = 3)
x1 = meta_inf[0]
y1 = meta_inf[1]
z1 = meta_inf[2]
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>i4', count = 3)
nx = meta_inf[0]
ny = meta_inf[1]
nz = meta_inf[2]
nn = nx * ny * nz
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f8', count = 3)
dx = meta_inf[0]
dy = meta_inf[1]
dz = meta_inf[2]
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>i4', count = 1)
nsubgrid = meta_inf[0]
data = np.ndarray(shape=(nz,ny,nx), dtype='>f8')
for s in range(nsubgrid):
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>i4', count = 9)
ix = meta_inf[0]
iy = meta_inf[1]
iz = meta_inf[2]
# print("---{0} Start Index (X,Y,Z):".format(s+1), ix, iy, iz)
nx = meta_inf[3]
ny = meta_inf[4]
nz = meta_inf[5]
nn = nx*ny*nz
# print("---{0} Dimensions (X,Y,Z):".format(s+1), nx, ny, nz)
rx = meta_inf[6]
ry = meta_inf[7]
rz = meta_inf[8]
# print("---{0} Offsets (X,Y,Z):".format(s+1), rx, ry, rz)
tmp_data = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f8', count=nn).reshape((nz,ny,nx))
data[iz:iz+nz, iy:iy+ny, ix:ix+nx] = tmp_data
return data
def read_pfbMetaData(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
# read meta informations of datafile
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f8', count = 3)
x1 = meta_inf[0]
y1 = meta_inf[1]
z1 = meta_inf[2]
print(f'x1: {x1}; y1: {y1}; z1: {z1}')
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>i4', count = 3)
nx = meta_inf[0]
ny = meta_inf[1]
nz = meta_inf[2]
nn = nx * ny * nz
print(f'nx: {nx}; ny: {ny}; nz: {nz}; nn: {nn}')
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>f8', count = 3)
dx = meta_inf[0]
dy = meta_inf[1]
dz = meta_inf[2]
print(f'dx: {dx}; dy: {dy}; dz: {dz}')
meta_inf = np.fromfile(f, dtype='>i4', count = 1)
nsubgrid = meta_inf[0]
print(f'nsubgrid: {nsubgrid}')
return None
############################# netCDF ###########################################
def createNetCDF(fileName, domain=None, nz=None, calcLatLon=False,
description=None, source=None, contact=None, institution=None,
history=None, timeCalendar=None, timeUnit=None, NBOUNDCUT=0):
Create a NetCDF file with typical metadata and dimensions.
fileName : str
Name of the output NetCDF file.
domain : str or None, optional
Path to the domain definition file or a valid CORDEX/Griddes domain name.
If None, default domain definitions will be used.
nz : int or None, optional
Number of vertical levels. If None, no z-axis will be created.
calcLatLon : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to calculate latitude and longitude values.
If True, lat and lon variables will be created.
author : str or None, optional
Name of the author.
description : str or None, optional
Description of the NetCDF file.
source : str or None, optional
Source of the data.
contact : str or None, optional
Contact information.
institution : str or None, optional
Institution associated with the data.
history : str or None, optional
History information.
timeCalendar : str or None, optional
Calendar type for the time-axis.
timeUnit : str or None, optional
Unit of measurement for the time-axis.
NBOUNDCUT : int, optional
Number of pixels to cut at the domain border.
fileName : str
Name of the created NetCDF file.
>>> # Create a NetCDF file with default domain definitions and no z-axis
>>> createNetCDF("")
>>> # Create a NetCDF file with a specific domain and 10 vertical levels
>>> createNetCDF("", domain="my_domain.txt", nz=10, calcLatLon=True)
#### Get domain definitions
availableCORDEXDomains = slothHelper.get_listOfCordexGrids()
availableGriddesDomains = slothHelper.get_listOfGriddes()
# Check if 'domain' is pointing to a domain path
if os.path.exists(domain):
domainDef = slothHelper.get_griddesDomDef(domain)
# Check if 'domain' is a official CORDEX name pattern
elif domain in availableCORDEXDomains:
domainDef = slothHelper.get_cordexDomDef(domain)
# Check if 'domain' is provided by SLOTH
elif domain in availableGriddesDomains:
# Read griddes file from configs dir
# Configs is located under `sloth/` (os.path.dirname(__file__))
griddesFileName = f'{domain}_griddes.txt'
griddesFile = f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/configs/{griddesFileName}'
if not os.path.isfile(griddesFile):
print(f'ERROR: There is no griddes file with name {griddesFile} --> EXIT')
domainDef = slothHelper.get_griddesDomDef(griddesFile)
print(f'ERROR: passed domain is not supported. domain={domain} --> Exit')
return False
nx = domainDef['Nlon']
ny = domainDef['Nlat']
dx = domainDef['dlon']
dy = domainDef['dlat']
rpol_X = domainDef['NPlon']
rpol_Y = domainDef['NPlat']
SWC_X = domainDef['SWlon']
SWC_Y = domainDef['SWlat']
#### Checking if time- and / or z-axis is used
withTime = False
if timeUnit is not None and timeCalendar is not None:
withTime = True
#print('NOT creating time-axis')
#print(f'-- timeUnit = {timeUnit}; timeCalendar = {timeCalendar}')
withZlvl = False
if nz is not None:
withZlvl = True
#print('NOT creating z-axis')
#### Create netCDF file (overwrite if exist)
# If no file-extension is passed, add '.nc' as default
fileRoot, fileExt = os.path.splitext(fileName)
if not fileExt:
fileExt = '.nc'
fileName = f'{fileRoot}{fileExt}'
# Create netCDF file
nc_file = nc.Dataset(f'{fileName}', 'w', format='NETCDF4')
# Add basic information = f'{author}' = f'{contact}'
nc_file.institution = f'{institution}'
nc_file.description = f'{description}'
nc_file.history = f'{history}'
nc_file.source = f'{source}'
# Create dimensions
# Take into account to 'cut' pixel at domain border (NBOUNDCUT)
drlon = nc_file.createDimension('rlon',nx-2*NBOUNDCUT)
drlat = nc_file.createDimension('rlat',ny-2*NBOUNDCUT)
if withZlvl:
dlvl = nc_file.createDimension('lvl',nz)
dtime = nc_file.createDimension('time',None)
rlon = nc_file.createVariable('rlon', 'f4', ('rlon',),
rlon.standard_name = "grid_longitude"
rlon.long_name = "rotated longitude"
rlon.units = "degrees"
rlon.axis = "X"
# Take into account to 'cut' pixel at domain border (NBOUNDCUT)
rlon_values = np.array([SWC_X + (i*dx) for i in range(NBOUNDCUT, nx-NBOUNDCUT)])
rlon[...] = rlon_values[...]
rlat = nc_file.createVariable('rlat', 'f4', ('rlat',),
rlat.standard_name = "grid_latitude"
rlat.long_name = "rotated latitude"
rlat.units = "degrees"
rlat.axis = "Y"
# Take into account to 'cut' pixel at domain border (NBOUNDCUT)
rlat_values = np.array([SWC_Y + (i*dy) for i in range(NBOUNDCUT, ny-NBOUNDCUT)])
rlat[...] = rlat_values[...]
if calcLatLon:
rlon2D, rlat2D = np.meshgrid(rlon_values, rlat_values)
lat2D, lon2D = sloth.coordTrafo.undo_grid_rotation(
rlat = rlat2D, rlon = rlon2D,
np_lat = rpol_Y, np_lon = rpol_X)
lat = nc_file.createVariable('lat', 'f4', ('rlat','rlon'),
lat.standard_name = "latitude"
lat.long_name = "latitude"
lat.units = "degrees_north"
lat.coordinates = "lon lat"
lat.grid_mapping = "rotated_pole"
lat[...] = lat2D[...]
lon = nc_file.createVariable('lon', 'f4', ('rlat','rlon'),
lon.standard_name = "longitude"
lon.long_name = "longitude"
lon.units = "degrees_east"
lon.coordinates = "lon lat"
lon.grid_mapping = "rotated_pole"
lon[...] = lon2D[...]
#print(f'-- no lat lon values used')
if withZlvl:
lvl = nc_file.createVariable('lvl', 'f4', ('lvl',),
lvl.standard_name = "level"
lvl.long_name = "ParFlow layers"
lvl.units = "-"
lvl.axis = "Z"
lvl_values = np.arange(nz)
lvl[...] = lvl_values[...]
if withTime:
ncTime = nc_file.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time',), zlib=True)
ncTime.units = f'{timeUnit}'
ncTime.calendar = f'{timeCalendar}'
# Create grid-mapping for rotated-pole grid
rotated_pole = nc_file.createVariable('rotated_pole', 'i2', zlib=True)
rotated_pole.long_name = "coordinates of the rotated North Pole"
rotated_pole.grid_mapping_name = "rotated_latitude_longitude"
rotated_pole.grid_north_pole_latitude = rpol_Y
rotated_pole.grid_north_pole_longitude = rpol_X
# Close netCDF file for save and return
return fileName
def readSa(file):
Reads data from a file in ASCI format and returns a NumPy array.
file : str
The file path to read the data from.
A NumPy array containing the data read from the file.
>>> data = readSa('data.txt')
>>> print(data)
[[1.2 3.4]
[5.6 7.8]]
with open(file, 'r') as f:
header = f.readline()
nx, ny, nz = (int(item) for item in header.split(' '))
data = np.genfromtxt(f, dtype=float)
data = data.reshape((nz, ny, nx))
return data
def writeSa(file, data):
Writes data to a file in ASCI format.
file : str
The file path to write the data to.
data : numpy.ndarray
The NumPy array containing the data to be written.
>>> data = np.array([[1.2, 3.4], [5.6, 7.8]])
>>> writeSa('output.txt', data)
nz, ny, nx = data.shape
with open(file, 'w') as f:
f.write(f'{nx} {ny} {nz}\n')
# Below should be more easy with a flatten array...
# But how to flatt? C or F order?
# If knowen and tested change below.
for k in range(nz):
for j in range(ny):
for i in range(nx):