Structure of DA inside TSMP

The directory intf_DA holds the interfaces of the component models to data assimilation frameworks (dart, kenda (currently not in master) and pdaf) alongside scripts for building the data assimilation frameworks.

The directory intf_DA/pdaf contains build interface scripts and the interface code for coupling and running PDAF along with model component clm3_5, parflow, parflow3_0, parflow3_2, oasis, oasis-mct and cosmo4_21. It has the following internal structure:

  • arch contains the configuration and build scripts for different computers/clusters.

    • Most important file(s): build_interface_pdaf.ksh

  • framework contains the interface to PDAF.

    • Most important file: pdaf_terrsysmp.F90.

  • model contains the wrapper/interface to the component models. In the subdirectories, there is component-model-specific wrapper functions.

    • Most important files: wrapper_tsmp.c, Makefile

  • tsmp contains modified source files for clm3_5, parflow, parflow3_0, parflow3_2, oasis, oasis-mct and cosmo4_21. These source files are copied into the sources of the component models, when PDAF is invoked and on top of the files copied from intf_oas3.

    • Most important file: Makefile


arch currently contains the PDAF build scripts tested for the following two computers:


The directory looks as follows:

├── build_interface_pdaf.ksh
└── config
    ├── linux_gfortran_openmpi.h
    └── linux_ifort.h

1 directory, 3 files

The build-script build_interface_pdaf.ksh contains the following functions. The script is source and the functions are called in /TSMP/bldsva/build_tsmp.ksh in the function compileDA().

  • always_da():

    • always executed, when DA is used ($withDA=="true") ()

    • up to now: dummy function, no effect

    • always_* only used for OASIS3 for setting some directories

  • substitutions_da()

    • make directory $dadir/interface (inside the newly generated PDAF-directory-backup with build-suffix)

    • copy directories model (component model interface) and framework (PDAF interface) into interface

    • make directory $dadir/lib (make sure the empty /lib exists inside PDAF, this is where the static PDAF library libpdaf-d.a is written after compilation)

  • configure_da()

    • configure three Makefiles (three-step process: (1)copying Makfiles into compilation directories, (2) setting variables and then overwriting dummy placeholders in the template makefiles), (3) make clean for all Makefiles)

      • make.arch/linux_*.h: PDAF machine-specific configuration

      • framework/Makefile

      • model/Makefile

  • make_da()

    • three make commands

      • PDAF source src

      • PDAF interface/model

      • PDAF interface/framework


