Structure of PDAF inside TSMP

Call Graph for TSMP-PDAF

Here is an exemplary call-graph from TSMP-PDAF’s main program pdaf_terrsysmp() inside pdaf_terrsysmp.F90 up to the function, where the enkf update is carried out: PDAF_enkf_analysis_rlm/PDAF_enkf_analysis_rsm.

Inside TSMP, TSMP/bldsva/intf_DA/pdaf/framework:

pdaf_terrsysmp.F90: pdaf_terrsysmp
-> assimilate_pdaf.F90: assimilate_pdaf
-> PDAF_assimilate_enkf

Inside PDAF, pdaf/src/:

PDAF-D_assimilate_enkf.F90: PDAF_assimilate_enkf
-> PDAF-D_put_state_enkf.F90: PDAF_put_state_enkf
-> PDAF-D_enkf_update.F90: PDAF_enkf_update

-> PDAF-D_enkf_analysis_rlm.F90: PDAF_enkf_analysis_rlm
-> PDAF-D_enkf_analysis_rsm.F90: PDAF_enkf_analysis_rsm

Important Functions of TSMP-PDAF

pdaf_terrsysmp (main program)


  • init_parallel_pdaf()

    1. MPI_Init if not yet done (should be done)

    2. Set npes_world, mype_world

    3. Read command line input: n_modeltasks

    4. Initialize communicators for ensemble evaluations

    • consistency checks n_modeltasks > npes_world and (not used since dim_ens is set to dummy-zero) n_modeltasks > dim_ens

    1. COMM_ensemble (local copy of MPI_COMM_WORLD)

    2. COMM_model: Generate communicators for model runs

      • Set local_npes_model depending on complete number npes_world and n_modeltasks

      • Example: mype_world=24 and 4 PEs per model, then mype_world will be model task/color 9 = floor(24/4)+1 and rank 0 (25->1, 26->2, 27->3).

    3. COMM_filter: Same as COMM_model, but only first task used.

    4. COMM_couple: For each rank in COMM_model (example 4 ranks), there is a task in COMM_couple with n_modeltasks ranks (example 48)

    5. Model equivalents of COMM_model are set: COMM_model_oas, COMM_model_pfl, COMM_model_clm

    6. Model equivalent of COMM_couple is set: COMM_model_clm

  • initialize_tsmp()

    1. read parameter file enkfpf.par

    2. Set model number for a process

    3. Set input function names

    4. Call model-specific input functions

    • clm_init

    • enkfparflowinit (some more allocations in ParFlow part)

    • cosmo_init


File: ./bldsva/intf_DA/pdaf/model/wrapper_tsmp.c


  • clm_init

    1. Setting nlfilename (essentially the same as finname?)

    2. Initialize Communicators depending on mode

    3. Initialize ESMF (needed for time-manager)

    4. Initialize timing library, and set full path to namelist

    5. Initialize Orbital parameters (shr_orb_params)

    6. Initialize land model (clm_init0, clm_init1, clm_init2)

    7. Initialize “external” atmospheric forcing (atmdrv_init)

  • enkfparflowinit 1.

List of interesting variables of TSMP-PDAF

  • local_npes_model: PEs per ensemble

  • n_modeltasks: Number of parallel model tasks

  • npes_world: Number of MPI processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD

  • mype_world: Rank of calling process in MPI_COMM_WORLD

  • pf_statevec: ParFlow-Statevector in C-wrapper

    • from enkf_parflow.h and set in initialize_tsmp from the wrapper_tsmp.c

  • pf_statevec_fortran: ParFlow-Statevector in Fortran-part of TSMP-PDAF

  • subvec_p: state vector pressure (from enkf_parflow.c:371)

    • defined: enkf_parflow.h, allocated: wrapper_tsmp.c

  • tag_model_clm, (0), tag_model_parflow (1) and tag_model_cosmo (2) identifiers for the component models

    • defined mod_tsmp.F90

    • used throughout TSMP-PDAF, for example in collect_state_pdaf.F90

Model Communicator COMM_model

Variable names for the model communicator:

  • ParFlow standalone:

    • COMM_model (init_parallel_pdaf.F90)

    • COMM_model_pfl (init_parallel_pdaf.F90)

    • C: COMM_model_pfl (enkf_parflow.h)

    • C: pfcomm (enkfparflowinit in enkf_parflow.c)

    • C: handed to amps_EmbeddedInitComm

  • CLM (3.5) standalone:

    • COMM_model (init_parallel_pdaf.F90)

    • COMM_model_clm (init_parallel_pdaf.F90)

    • COMM_model_clm (clm_init in enkf_clm.F90)

    • handed to spmd_init and mct_world_init

  • Coupled simulation using OASIS:

    • COMM_model (init_parallel_pdaf.F90)

    • COMM_model_oas (init_parallel_pdaf.F90)

    • handed over to OASIS to oasis_init_comp in mod_oasis_method.F90

The two call-sequences of loading COMM_model_oas in coupled simulations:

  • ParFlow: Sets amps_CommWorld

    • enkfparflowinit in enkf_parflow.c

    • amps_init in oas3/amps_init.c (entering ParFlow)

    • oas_pfl_init in oas3/oas_pfl_init

    • prism_init_comp_proto (mod_prism) / oasis_init_comp in mod_oasis_method.F90 (entering OASIS)

  • CLM (3.5): Sets kl_comm

    • clm_init in enkf_clm.F90

    • oas_clm_init in oas_clm_init.F90 (entering CLM)

    • prism_init_comp_proto (mod_prism)/ oasis_init_comp in mod_oasis_method.F90 (entering OASIS)

AMPS used by ParFlow in TSMP-PDAF

Information on AMPS (Another Message Passing System):

The directory for AMPS used in TSMP-PDAF is set using the CMAKE-variable PARFLOW_AMPS_LAYER in build_interface_parflow.ksh.


  • ParFlow standalone: da (mpi1)

  • Coupled ParFlow: oas3

AMPS-Layer da / mpi1

da is a new AMPS-Layer introduced for ParFlow with TSMP-PDAF.

da is based on the existing AMPS-Layer mpi1.

The changes between da and mpi1 are small, therefore in TSMP2-PDAF, da will be removed and replaced by a pre-patched version of mpi1.


  • dacomm communicator defined and suspected to be unused. ParFlow-standalone testmodel needed to confirm.

  • commented out MPI_Finalize

AMPS-Layer oas3

oas3 is an existing AMPS-Layer.

oas3 uses the communicator setup defined in prism_init_comp_proto/oasis_init_comp, where COMM_model_oas is inserted.


If you want to use the CMEM operator, you have to download the source code under (Tested: Version 5.1) and copy it into the framework directory of TSMP-PDAF.