Getting Started

Throughout this quick start guide a distinction is made between HPSC-TerrSys users who use specific HPC systems at HPC centres in Germany and external users. Through centralized machinefiles and compute environment initialisation scripts, TSMP can be very quickly adjusted to any other HPC site.

For a general documentation on how to use TSMP, please refer to the more detailed Building TSMP section.

General concept

TSMP uses a multiple program multiple data (MPMD) execution model where states (e.g., near surface air temperature) and fluxes (e.g., latent and sensible heat fluxes) are passed between the atmospheric, land surface and hydrologic/groundwater component models along compartmental interfaces through the OASIS3 or the parallel OASIS3-MCT coupling interface.

TSMP essentially consists of the interface that combines the specific versions of different component models in a modular (various combinations of component models) and flexible (various spatial and temporal resolutions) way. During the install process, before the compilation of the component models, the source code of the component models is patched by the setup shell scripts, implementing the necessary coupling functionalities.

Please note: For licensing and maintenance reasons, we do not provide any source code of any of the component models or the coupler library. The users should download the component models from their respective websites. TSMP has various setup options: each component model standalone (ParFlow, CLM, COSMO), only land surface and hydrology / groundwater (CLM+ParFlow), only land surface and atmosphere (CLM+COSMO), or fully coupled (ParFlow, CLM, COSMO). Since the patches are designed for specific versions of the models, it is required to get the exact original, unaltered version as specified.

During the build and compile step (step 5 below) multiple predefined coupled model combinations (of component models and their versions) as well as predefined HPC systems and operating environments can be chosen. Via so-called machinefiles the built and execution environment can be centrally adjusted to the respective HPC systems. A generic machinefile for x86-64 GNU/Linux systems with a GNU Compiler Collection and a standard scientific software stack is also provided. Many predefined built environments are provided for the machines which are available to the HPSC-TerrSys users.

During the setup and configuration step (step 6 below), TSMP is configured for different, predefined test cases or numerical experiments, for which we also provide input data via a dedicated data server. Here we document one specific experiment. The TSMP user guide will contain a complete list.

The two most important scripts to build and setup TSMP are:

  • build_tsmp.ksh to built and compile TSMP (one component model after the other)

  • setup_tsmp.ksh to setup one of the predefined experiments

To get a man-page for the usage of this scripts, do:

./build_tsmp.ksh --man
./setup_tsmp.ksh --man

The fully coupled pan-European EURO-CORDEX evaluation experiment with TSMP

This test case uses the current TSMP release version v1.4.0 with OASIS3-MCT, COSMO v5.01, CLM v3.5 and ParFlow 3.12. A short 3hr simulation in a climate-mode configuration over Europe is set up, driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis, following the EURO-CORDEX project experiment guidelines. Simulated time span: 2016-05-01_12:00:00 to 2016-05-01_15:00:00.

Step 1: Dependencies

For the users who use Jülich Supercomputing Centre facilities JUWELS and JURECA-DC, all necessary software modules are loaded automatically through a “loadenv” file located in directory JUWELS or JURECA-DC in machines directory. The users of other HPC systems should provide an appropriate “loadenv” files for loading the modules and locate it in machines/<machine_name>, similar to JURECA-DC and JUWELS. For the users who want to port TSMP on GENERIC_X86 Linux platform, a script is provided by TSMP team which installs the following libraries automatically and create a “loadenv” file in the directory machines/GENERIC_X86. For more information on using this script please see the README in branch TSMP_x86_64.

  • gfortran

  • gcc

  • g++

  • ksh

  • bash

  • zlib

  • curl

  • make

  • python

  • OpenMPI

  • netCDF

  • HDF5


  • TCL

  • Hypre

  • Silo

  • Lapack

A short guide on how the TSMP built system can be expanded to account for your local situation (software modules, compiler, MPI wrapper) will be provided shortly. The best starting point is to use the generic GNU compiler built. A hint on how to proceed is given in step 5 below. The following libraries are required to run the EURO-CORDEX experiment:

Porting TSMP on GENERIC_X86 Linux platform

The users who want to port TSMP on GENERIC_X86 Linux, the TSMP team provided a script to install all the necessary libraries as mentioned in step 1 above automatically in TSMP root directory. Please run the script “” located in bldsva directory to install the libraries. Note that if you exported already one of the libraries Netcdf, HDF5, GRIBAPI, Silo, Hypre and TCL in the .baschrc or .profile, you need to comment them out in order to not mess up the installation via the script

Step 2: Get the TSMP interface

Go to your preferred root directory (e.g., on a scratch file system) for the TSMP installation and get the HEAD of the master branch from github and set the environment variable TSMP_DIR to TSMP installation directory; for bash:

git clone
export TSMP_DIR=$(realpath TSMP)

Step 3: Get the component models for this experiment


HPSC-TerrSys users

Authenticate with your GitLab web GUI user name and password and clone the repositories (instead of “fresh”, also “legacy” repositories with specific code modifications may be retrieved):

git clone  cosmo5_1
git clone -b v3.12.0                              parflow
git clone     clm3_5
git clone       oasis3-mct

External users

Make sure directories are renamed as shown above. The component models can be downloaded from the respective websites as indicated below. Due to licensing reasons HPSC-TerrSys cannot provide these source codes to external users.

COSMO v5.01

Available from A license agreement is needed.

CLM v3.5

Available from

ParFlow v3.12

ParFlow 3.12 is available from

git clone -b v3.12.0

Available from

Step 4: Retrieving the test case input data (EURO-CORDEX)

For each officially documented and supported test case experiment, HPSC-TerrSys provides all required, pre-processed input data (as well as reference simulation results in the future).

The input files which are necessary for running the EURO-CORDEX evaluation run test case:

cd $TSMP_DIR/bldsva
./download_data_for_test_cases.ksh cordex

Step 5: Build TSMP, interface and component models

Before building TerrSysMP, first check what build options are there

cd $TSMP_DIR/bldsva
./build_tsmp.ksh -a

Building the fully coupled TSMP with ParFlow (pfl), the Community Land Model (clm) and the COSMO NWP and regional climate model (cos); this is a built on the JUWELS HPC system of Jülich Supercomputing Centre using Intel compilers and ParaStation MPI:

cd $TSMP_DIR/bldsva
./build_tsmp.ksh -c clm3-cos5-pfl -m JUWELS -O Intel

A note to external users:

The path to the modules, compiler and MPI wrapper can be set in:

An example for the JUWELS HPC system at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre is here: $TSMP_DIR/bldsva/machines/config_JUWELS.ksh
and an example to load the environment modules or the needed software compatible with Intel compiler version 2023 is in $TSMP_DIR/bldsva/machines/JUWELS/loadenvs.Intel.

Build TSMP on GENERIC_X86 Linux platform

After successful installation of all the necessary libraries as mentioned in step 1 above, TSMP can be built using:

cd $TSMP_DIR/bldsva
./build_tsmp.ksh -c clm3-cos5-pfl -m GENERIC_X86 -O Gnu

Step 6: Setup and configuration of the respective usage and test case

For HPSC-TerrSys users:

To configure TSMP for the EURO-CORDEX test case experiment on JUWELS machine (on JURECA-DC just change -m JUWELS to -m JURECA):

cd $TSMP_DIR/bldsva
./setup_tsmp.ksh -c clm3-cos5-pfl  -V cordex -m JUWELS -I _cordex -O Intel

This includes the creation of a run directory, the copying of namelists, the provisioning of run control scripts for the job scheduler, incl. mapping files which pin the MPI tasks of the component model to specific CPU cores, as well as copying and linking of forcing data.

Setup and configuration of the test case on GENERIC_X86 Linux platform

Now that the all the necessary libraries are installed as mentioned in step 1 above and TSMP is also build (step 5 above), we can configure TSMP on GENERIC_X86 Linux for the the EURO-CORDEX test case experiment as follows:

cd $TSMP_DIR/bldsva
./setup_tsmp.ksh -c clm3-cos5-pfl -V cordex -m GENERIC_X86 -I _cordex -O Gnu

Step 7: Run the test case

For HPSC-TerrSys users:

Change into the run directory:

cd $TSMP_DIR/run/JUWELS_clm3-cos5-pfl _cordex_cordex

Edit the scheduler settings (#SBATCH lines):

vim tsmp_slm_run.bsh

Submit the job:

sbatch tsmp_slm_run.bsh

Monitor the running job by checking some COSMO and ParFlow logs:

tail -f YUPRMASS
tail -f cordex0.11.out.kinsol.log

Step 8: Simulation results

After a successful model run you will have model outputs form ParFlow, CLM and COSMO in the run directory:

cd $TSMP_DIR/run/JUWELS_clm3-cos5-pfl cordex_cordex
ls -l *satur*.pfb *press*.pfb
ls -l clmoas*.nc
ls -l cosmo_out/*.nc