Structure of TSMP

After cloning TSMP into a directory, for example TSMP, you obtain a fixed top level folder structure. This folder structured is discussed in this section.

Component model directories and PDAF directory

TSMP essentially consists of an interface which couples dedicated versions of the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO, atmospheric model in NWP or climate mode, the Community Land Model (CLM,, and the hydrologic model ParFlow ( through the OASIS3-MCT coupler (,

TSMP framework

In the install directory TSMP the bldsva can be found, which contain all files of the TSMP framework (details below):


TSMP component directory

The directories are called after the respective model component and ends with the version number of the model component.


The directories clm3_5, clm4_0, cosmo4_21, cosmo5_1, parflow, and parflow3_0 contain the model source codes of the respective model components of TSMP.

OASIS3-MCT and PDAF directory

The bldsva directory includes the scripts for configuring and compiling TSMP.

The directoryoasis3-mct contains the source code of the OASIS3-MCT coupler. oasis3 (without MCT) is deprecated and is no longer used in current versions of TSMP.


After successfully downloading the three parts of TSMP-PDAF (TSMP-repository, PDAF, component models), rename PDAF-source folder called PDAF-D_V1.13.2 to pdaf.

The directory pdaf contains the PDAF source code.



The following directory structure should be present in the install directory TSMP in case you want to run a fully coupled TSMP with COSMO5_1, CLM3_5 and ParFlow:


Directory bldsva and subdirectories



The directory data_oas3 holds files with static parameters, namely all variants of the namcouple file and cf_name_table.txt.


Holds the interfaces of the component models and scripts to build them. This folder again holds sub-folders with one for each component model version that is available.


Each component model folder contains itself a subset of the following subfolders, as an example take clm3_5:

TSMP/bldsva/intf_oas3/clm3_5/pfile  (only clm3_5, possibly deprecated; currently not used)
  • arch: This folder contains build information and contains two optional folders:

    1. config, which includes makefiles, configure scripts, machine-dependent build files etc, and

    2. src which contains machine specific source code modifications.

  • tsmp: This folder holds source code modifications that need to be made in the component model for every machine (not only for specific machines as the modifications in /arch/*/src/).

  • oas3: This folder holds source code of the interface between the component model and oasis.

  • mct: This folder holds source code that is only needed when using Oasis3-MCT.


Holds scripts with machine specifications and also scripts to load modules among other configurations. This folder has one sub-folder for all supported machines.


Holds scripts to specify experiment setups and namelist templates for this particular setup. This folder has one sub-folder for each supported setup


See Structure of DA inside TSMP

Shell Scripts in bldsva

The following files reside under $tsmp_root/bldsva/:

The two important scripts to automatically build TSMP and setup an experiment are


There will be no explicit user documentation, since both scripts include a man-page styled output by calling the individual script with the option –man.

./build_tsmp.ksh --man
./setup_tsmp.ksh --man

The shell script supported_versions.ksh that contains the supported versions of the TSMP instance is described in the following subsection.

The script download_data_for_test_test_cases.ksh simplifies working through the of TSMP by automating the download of the CORDEX test case input data.


This script is a source list of supported machines and configurations. It is called by running the main scripts with option -a / –avail:

./build_tsmp.ksh -a
./setup_tsmp.ksh -a

The output includes:

  • for ./build_tsmp.ksh: A list of supported machines including the information which version is available on which machine; a list of versions including the information of which combinations of component models is available for each version and the directory names of the component model versions of each TSMP version.

  • for ./setup_tsmp.ksh: The information from before and additionally the available setups for each TSMP-version and a list of setups with short documentation. Setups are automatically build test cases for TSMP.

The dictionaries containing all information in supported_versions.ksh are implemented as ksh-associative-array. These dictionaries are used by other scripts as well, for example for sanity checks, as possible user choices in the interactive mode and for naming conventions.

Whenever you pass a machine-name, version, combination, setup, etc. as a flag or need to know the folder name of a component-model make sure it is identically written as in this script (case sensitive).

Some array entries are string lists and are converted to a list later on. Make sure these lists start and end with a space (see comments in this file).

    # IMPORTANT: add a leading and trailing " "(space)

The spaces are necessary because strings might be parsed with spaces, i.e. as value. If a default is necessary the first entry of a string list will be taken.

With versions you have a variety of options to constrain your support. For example you could create a special version that is only supported on a certain machine. This version then consists of special component-model-versions and might only allow certain combinations (for example only standalone - if MPMD is not supported).

One special naming convention I introduced is for Oasis3-MCT coupling. Oasis3-MCT is used if “MCT” is somehow part of the version-name. (One could think about adding this information as a flag, but for now I decided not to do so.)

Shell Scripts in subdirectories


This file has the only intention to reduce duplicate code. It is sourced by the main-scripts and thus available in all subscripts. I outsourced code to this file that is the same amongst different versions of a component-model and amongst different machines. Since many things are similar between model-versions/machines this lowers the complexity of adding a new model a lot.

If you add a new machine/model-version and encounter inconsistencies between this file and your commands you are responsible to solve it. Either by removing the inconsistent commands from the common_build_interface to the “real” interfaces of the form intf_oas3/MODEL/arch/build_interface_MODEL.ksh (f.e. intf_oas3/clm3_5/arch/build_interface_clm3_5.ksh). If a lot is inconsistent you can simply not make use of the common interface.


This is the “real” interface to compile a specific model on a specific machine and to handle namelist substitutions.

As you see by the location in the directory tree (intf_oas3/MODEL/arch/), there must be a script for every supported model (MODEL). The script build_interface_MODEL.ksh must implement 5 interface routines:

  • always_MOD(),

  • configure_MOD(),

  • make_MOD(),

  • substitution_MOD(),

  • setup_MOD(), where MOD \(\in \{\mathtt{clm},\mathtt{cos},\mathtt{oas},\mathtt{pfl}\}\)

always_MOD(): in this routine stuff is handled that always needs to be done even if compilation is skipped. An example is declaring paths to oasis libs in [always_oas()]{.roman}.

configure_MOD(): this routine handles everything that is needed to configure or to create Makefiles. It also edits Makefile-templates after creation. It is important that also config file-templates are always copied from the config folder in order to have a fresh template before editing.

make_MOD(): this routine calls make and starts compiling and moves the created executables to a bindir.

substitution_MOD(): This routine substitutes source code that is unchanged for this configuration and is independent from making/configuring (other than in configure_MOD()). This is usually the whole oas3 and tsmp folder or the src folder.

setup_MOD(): This routine handles the creation of necessary files for the run. In especially editing the namelist template. And also execute the namelist.

The ParFlow tcl file and the Cosmo lmrun_uc always needed to get executed. But now also the clm namelist needs an execution (compare with lnd.stdin in nrw setup). This was necessary for clm4_0 and also for ensembles.

Most of these routines call a function with the same name but with leading c_ for example c_configure_oas(). This is the according routine in the common_build_interface.ksh and handles stuff that is the same throughout versions/machines.


This script must implement 3 interface routines:

  • getMachineDefaults(),

  • finalizeMachine()

  • and createRunscript().

In getMachineDefaults() some variables need to be defined, basically loading modules (or executing a load-script) but also the location of the libraries that are necessary for compiling. Plus some additional things like default optimization or profiling on this machine (not yet supported). This routine is used by the interactive mode to pre-load the values. Because of that this routine might get called several times.

For this reason it is separated from finalizeMachine(). It was supposed to do fixed steps, after a selection was made. Originally it was planned to load the modules there, but it turned out that this was mostly also necessary for the first step in order to get library-paths. It is still used by some machines.

In createRunscript() the runscript for a job scheduler on this machine is created. It calculates processor-distribution and also creates map-files if needed. It also creates the instanceMap.txt which is used for ensemble runs.

Ensemble runs are currently only supported if Oasis3-MCT is used as coupler. Ensembles also increase the used processors (as given) by the factor of ensemble members.


This script must implement two interface routines:

  • initSetup()

  • and finalizeSetup()

In initSetup() some variables need to be defined, basically values that are needed to fill the namelist-templates. These might be optional if they are not needed for the template. But others are mandatory like namelist-location, forcing-dir etc. Some variables only serve as default and might get overwritten by the main-scripts (usually start with “default”).

This routine is used by the interactive mode to pre-load the values. Because of that this routine might get called several times.

For this reason it is separated from finalizeSetup() where setup-specific edits to the run-directory is done. For example copying files like rmp-files or parflow slope-files and other resource files that are not common to all experiments.

Shell script build_tsmp.ksh

This script does everything that is needed to build (create executables) a given version of TSMP for on certain machine with a certain model-combination.



This section serves as hardcoded defaults. All necessary variables are here defined as a default version def_.... They will be used if they are not overwritten by flags or interactive modifications.

This section is intended to be modified also by users. It is useful if you are always using a specific setup and don’t want to type a lengthy command every time. Note that by running the script without argument flags it will start the interactive session. But with providing the flag -b the batch mode is forced. Thus, with ./build_tsmp.ksh -b only the hardcoded defaults of this section will be used.


This section copies the hardcoded default of the previous session into the “real” data structure/variables.

Some variables need a decision. If they are not hardcoded in the previous section and not given as flag/interactively a decision is made in this routine (really hard coded). Most importantly platform=JUWELS.


This is only necessary for handling the interactive mode. If the platform is switched during the interactive session some variables needs to be cleared.


This is only necessary for handling the interactive mode. If some paths (fore example root) are switched during the interactive session some variables needs to be cleared.


If a new machine is chosen (at the beginning or during interactive session) machine dependent default variables are getting read from machines/config_ARCH.ksh.

Note: They will only loaded if this values were not set in any other selection (like interactive/flag/hardcoded).


Doing stuff after selections were made. Currently only creating a bindir.

Questionable if this routine is necessary anymore.


This routine is setting the withMOD variables depending on the chosen combination. This routine was designed to be flexible with the combination options. But other routines are hindering this flexibility anyways.

This routine needs a revision.


Compiles CLM. It will first source the build_script for the selected machine and then calls the interface. Which interface routines are called is dependent of the chosen build option (skip, fresh, build, configure, make). If fresh (default) is chosen, also a backup is made.


Analog to compileClm()


Analog to compileClm()


Analog to compileClm()


Determines which models are part of the selected combination and above functions are called.


Handles the interactive session. Reads selections from the console and pushes return values to the desired variables. Some Variables need extra handling, in especially if dependencies follow. For example machine, version, rootdir, etc.


Prints all selectable variables. This is used by the interactive mode and as debug information for the log.


Helper function to check the $? return value of each command.


Helper function to check the $? return value of each command without exiting. The function was introduced with common_setup.ksh.


Clean exit handling.


Prints to log and terminal. Usual approach for every system call is to comment the action and append a check() to make sure no error happened.


An call that should be made as first and last action of a routine to get output in which routine the script currently is (debugging).


If some sanity checks trigger it is asked for a decision to continue on own responsibility.


Exits if incompatible decisions were made.


Gives warning if decisions are not supported but could work if it was taken care of. For example setups/combinations that are not in the supported_machine.ksh.


Exits if deprecated internal version number is used.


Returns a human readable output of supported machines/combinations etc basically everything that is given in supported_machines.ksh. Script will exit without modifications afterwards.


Returns a tutorial. Probably not sufficient enough. Script will exit without modifications afterwards.


Determines the root-directory out of pwd and call-command. Working on usual Linux.


Starts with determining root and loading defaults. Then handling the command line flags. Then doing sanity checks and sourcing machine-script based on flags. Then starting the interactive session. Then finalizing the selection and starting the compilation. At the end doing some cleanup and logging.


Layers of defaults and selections

We have two kinds of defaults: Hardcoded defaults from getDefaults (starting with def_) and some machine- and setup specific defaults (starting with default...) in the setup- and machine-interfaces. Then there is the batch-mode which overwrites existing values with command-line flags and the interactive mode which will be started if no flags are given.

The hierarchy of overwriting is:

defaults... < def_ < batch-mode < interactive-mode.

Even if providing flags, the interactive mode can be forced with -i flag. Additional flags will then be pre-selected in the interactive mode.

Logging and debugging

Three log files are created during the build and setup script.

log_all_$DATE – stores all std-output that is generated by system calls and executing external scripts (like make etc.) This output is not shown while scripts run.

err_all_$DATE – stores all err-output that is generated by system calls and executing external scripts (like make etc.) This output is not shown while scripts run.

stdout_all_$DATE – stores the output of the script (which you also see on screen when scripts run)

Usually, a comment output is written to stdout_* before system calls.

After execution, the system call is usually checked by check(). If errors are found, the build is terminated.

Additionally, every function entry and exit is logged.

Debugging Tip: If a check fails the script stops and it is immediately visible in which routine and call it failed. Thus, the output in stdout_* is a good starting point for finding the location in TSMP, where an error occurred during building.

Sanity checks

2 types of sanity checks exist, hard and soft.

Hard: The script need to know the machine, version and setup. Otherwise it does not know what files to source. Thus, if an unsupported version/machine/setup is given the script will exit.

Soft: Combinations and model versions might work even if not supported/ or under development. An warning will be shown with the option to quit or continue. Furthermore, during the interactive session only supported selections will be given as option.

Build options

Currently the following build options are implemented to provide flexibility for debugging/porting/tuning/source modifications.

skip: the model is part of the combination, but it is already compiled and further compilation can be skipped.

fresh: the model needs to be build completely and is also backed up to a new folder. The source folder remains untouched. Also the model source must lie under $root/model (as in the catalog).

build: the model needs to be build completely but in the original folder/or the folder-name that is given to -wxyz flags.

configure: the model is only configured. New set of makefile(-templates) make clean configure, etc.

make: the model is only compiled (make). No make clean etc., thus, can resume a started make.


Paths like bin-dir, run-dir, forcing-dirs, namelist-dirs are arbitrary. Even the root-dir, which means, that theoretically a different version of bldsva or component-models under root-dir could be used. If this makes sense is questionable (error prone).

Shell script setup_tsmp.ksh


Most of the routines are identical or have the same purpose as those in build_tsmp.ksh.

The following will only list significantly different.


Additionally to the identical stuff it also calculates some processor counts for the models.


Additionally to the identical stuff it also tests for multi-instance support (is not supported with Oasis3).


Starts with determining root and loading defaults. Then handling the command line flags. Then doing sanity checks and sourcing machine-script and setup-script based on flags. Then starting the interactive session. And finalizing the selection afterwards.

Then a loop loops over the number of instances and searches for a individual namelist for that instance. Then a sub-run-dir is created for each instance. To create the run the setup_MOD() interface routine is called for every model and executables are copied to the run-dir. After the loop the run-script is created.

At the end doing some cleanup and logging.


Layers of defaults and selections

See section Layers of defaults and selections..

Logging and debugging

See section Logging and Debugging.

Sanity checks

See section Sanity checks.


See section Directories

For creating run-dirs some extra safety provisions were made. An experiment-ID (-I flag) is appended to the run-dir. This is per default the date. Also, if rundirs already exist, a backup is created to avoid potential data losses.

Multi instance

Running TSMP in multiple instances is supported by splitting the MPI_COMM_WORLD in sub-communicators inside the models (standalone) or in Oasis3-MCT (coupled). Inside the run directory sub-directories are created for every instance. But all start the same executable and will then chdir depending on the rank. The information is given in an instance-mapfile which is created in createRunscript().

Every instance is looking for an individual namelist which needs to be named like, for example, coup_oas.tcl_0 for the 0th member. If no such namelist is found it will take the base (coup_oas.tcl). In this way not all component models need namelists for every instance if no perturbation is applied.


The restarts functionality is basically handled in the namelists itself in the model-typical way. But two things need to be given to the script in order to perform a restart.

Restart files: Every restarted model needs a restart file to start from. This must be provided by the flags -jkl.

Initial date: For CLM and ParFlow this only regulates the output naming, restart files are sufficient for this two. But for Cosmo also the start_hours is determined by startDate-initDate.

Performing an automated spinup or chain-jobs needs to be handled by the user (example scripts might be available in the future). This basically needs a loop over some restart periods and run the setup-script which creates a specific setup in every iteration.