JUBE (https://apps.fz-juelich.de/jsc/jube/jube2/docu/) is a JSC-developed tool to set up and analyze reproducible benchmarks. To set it up, JUBE must be installed on the system and configured with an XML or YAML file.

HPSCTerrSys has configured an XML file that enables JUBE-benchmarks with the available test cases of TSMP. Currently, the file is located at https://gitlab.jsc.fz-juelich.de/sdlts/benchmarking/tsmp_jube. Please ask for access if you want to use it.

With the XML file, the benchmark can be started by

  1. Edit jube file for your needs

    • Load JUBE: module load JUBE

    • src_dir specify the absolute path to Cosmo, CLM, Oasis src files

    • install_dir specify the path where to install TSMP

    • provide/modify additional parameters if desired, e.g. account, testcase, etc.

  2. Build TSMP executables

    • jube -vvv run ./TSMP_JUBE.xml --only-bench build

  3. To run the TSMP benchmark

    • jube -vvv run ./TSMP_JUBE.xml --only-bench run

  4. Make sure that all jobs are complete, e.g. with squeue -u $USER

  5. Proceed with analysis (modify bench_run if you specified a different name for the output directory)

    • Continue to execute jube script jube continue ./bench_run

    • Analyse results jube analyse ./bench_run

    • Show results jube result ./bench_run