Obtaining the code


The source code of TSMP (Terrestrial System Modeling Platform) can be obtained from a git-repository hosted on Github: https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP. On this website, a README file explains how to run TSMP for the first time on Linux.

This git-repository provides wiki pages on how to download, configure and install TSMP. The latter two points are also explained in this manual in Sections Build Examples and Setup for convenience. Additionally, a few modifications need to be done for TSMP in order to work within TSMP-PDAF (this patching is possibly not necessary anymore in the current version).

Commands for cloning from these repositories (https or ssh):

	git clone https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP TSMP
	git clone git@github.com:HPSCTerrSys/TSMP.git TSMP

More information about TSMP is available from the webpage: https://www.terrsysmp.org/ and from the home page of the Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems (HPSC-TerrSys): http://www.hpsc-terrsys.de

There is also a public TSMP Virtual Machine available for download. This is a Ubuntu virtual machine containing TSMP and a tutorial on data assimilation. The webpage for downloading (TSMP Virtual Machine): https://datapub.fz-juelich.de/slts/


Commands for cloning TSMP-PDAF (https or ssh):

	git clone https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP TSMP
	git clone git@github.com:HPSCTerrSys/TSMP.git TSMP

Component Models

The Github-page of TSMP does not include the source code of component models. This makes TSMP independent of third party code and licenses.

Thus, with:

	git clone https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP TSMP

or (deprecated)

	git clone https://git2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/git/terrsysmp TSMP

The standard root folder in this document is called TSMP.

You are creating your root-folder TSMP including the subfolder TSMP/bldsva that holds the entire TSMP interface.

All the source codes of component models should ideally be placed into one installation directory (for example the root folder TSMP).

The directory structure of TSMP is discussed in more detail in Section Structuring TSMP-PDAF.

HPSC-TerrSys users

Authenticate with your GitLab web GUI user name and password and clone the repositories (instead of “fresh”, also “legacy” repositories with specific code modifications may be retrieved):

git clone https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ModelSystems/tsmp_src/cosmo5.01_fresh.git  cosmo5_1
git clone -b v3.12.0 https://github.com/parflow/parflow.git                              parflow
git clone https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ModelSystems/tsmp_src/clm3.5_fresh.git     clm3_5
git clone https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ModelSystems/tsmp_src/oasis3-mct.git       oasis3-mct

External users

Make sure directories are renamed as shown above. The component models can be downloaded from the respective websites as indicated below. Due to licensing reasons HPSC-TerrSys cannot provide these source codes to external users.

COSMO v5.01

Available from http://www.cosmo-model.org. A license agreement is needed.

CLM v3.5

Available from https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/CLM3.5/tree/clm3.5_rel3.code.c070524.

ParFlow v3.12

ParFlow 3.12 is available from

git clone -b v3.12.0 https://github.com/parflow/parflow.git


Available from https://oasis.cerfacs.fr/en/downloads/.


Include obtaining from original sources and from Gitlab page https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ModelSystems.

For information on component models of TSMP-PDAF, see https://icg4geo.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ExternalRepos/tsmp-pdaf/TSMP-PDAF-component-models.


The source code of PDAF is available on GitHub. Here is how you can clone it into a directory called pdaf:

git clone git@github.com:PDAF/PDAF.git pdaf

For more information on PDAF, see the README on https://github.com/PDAF/PDAF and PDAF’s website http://pdaf.awi.de/.