Debugging flags

If an error appears and the source can not be localized by the default outputs, it might make sense to build TSMP-PDAF again, but with more debug-flags enabled.

These flags can be set in

  • bldsva/intf_DA/pdaf/arch/build_interface_pdaf.ksh

  • bldsva/machines/config_JUWELS.ksh

In config_JUWELS.ksh, there is defaultOptC, which can be set, f.e. as

defaultOptC="-g -O0 -xHost -traceback" # Intel

For TSMP-PDAF: In build_interface_pdaf.ksh, there is the general importFlags that could for example be set as

importFlags="-g -traceback"

Watch out here, to get the right condition (Intel / Fortran compilers)! The examples are for the Intel compiler, gcc-flags are slightly different.