Debug tips

Debug Tip 1: Skip component models in TSMP-PDAF build

./build_tsmp.ksh -m JURECA -c clm3-cos4-pfl -W skip -X skip

Oasis and CLM compilation are skipped with the option skip for flags -W and -X. Parflow and pdaf are compiled after Cosmo.

All flags can be found using ./build_tsmp.ksh --help. Here, the output for flag of component model build options:

	-W, --optoas=optoas
                  Build option for Oasis.
                    fresh        #build from scratch in a new folder
                    build        #build clean
                    make         #only (resume) make and make install - no make clean and configure
                    configure    #only make clean and configure - no make
                    skip         #no build
                  The default value is 'fresh'.
  -E, --opticon=opticon
                  Build option for ICON. The default value is 'fresh'.
  -Y, --optcos=optcos
                  Build option for Cosmo. The default value is 'fresh'.
  -X, --optclm=optclm
                  Build option for CLM. The default value is 'fresh'.
  -Z, --optpfl=optpfl
                  Build option for Parflow. The default value is 'fresh'.
  -U, --optda=optda
                  Build option for Data Assimilation. The default value is 'fresh'.

Debug Tip 2: Building TSMP-PDAF after source code changes in component models

./build_tsmp.ksh -m JURECA -c clm3-cos4-pfl -W skip -X skip -Y make

Oasis and CLM compilation are skipped with the option skip for flags -W and -X.

Cosmo compilation is resumed without making clean with option make for flag -Y. The source code change needs to be made in cosmo4_21_JURECA_clm3-cos4-pfl. But note: The source code change will be lost after the next clean build of cosmo. Thus, make sure to incorporate the source code changes in the designated replace structures.

Debug Tip 3: Debugging OASIS3-MCT

In namcouple, change the input $NLOGPRT to get more debug output. More information:

Debug Tip 4: Debugging CLM (3.5)

In lnd.stdin, change the input wrtdia to .true..

If true, global average 2-m temperature written to standard out (ascii log file of the run) (see ex. 4). 

More information:

Debug Tip 5: Debugging PDAF

PDAF Debugging Information

For TSMP-PDAF, debug output can be called via the preprocessor variable PDAF_DEBUG.

Information about turning on PDAF debugging output by changing the source code of TSMP-PDAF:

PDAF’s Timing and Memory output

/intf_DA/pdaf/framework/finalize_pdaf.F90: The input for the timing information can be changed for adding more output.

See also