Setting up new cases

Supporting a new machine

First of all make sure that the new machine is introduced to the supported_machines.ksh script.

Create the necessary folder structure under intf_oas3 and create a script for this machine and every component-model that will be supported and implement the interface.

If necessary add src/config folders if machine specific source-code or config/make files are needed.

Add a file with the machine name under /machines. Also add files to load modules if necessary.

For both cases it is easiest to copy a similar machine and change names and specifics accordingly.

Setting up a new experiment

First of all make sure that the new setup is introduced to the supported_machines.ksh script.

Add a folder with the setup name under /setups.

Also add the setup-interface for all machines that are supported and implement the interface.

Also add namelists for all component-models.

The namelist name must match to the according entry in the setup interface.

namelists for cosmo5.1 and clm4.0 must have the version as suffix even if declared otherwise in the setup interface. For example lmrun_uc5_1 and lnd.stdin4_0. But in the setup-interface it must be written lmrun_uc and lnd.stdin.

Also for ensembles in TSMP-PDAF the ensemble namelists must then be named like lmrun_uc5_1_4711 or lnd.stdin4_0_4711 for ensemble member 4711 even if lmrun_uc and lnd.stdin is specified by the setup interface or flags. Again it is easiest to copy a similar setup and change names and specifics accordingly.