
Various topics related to TSMP-PDAF.

Gitlab: TSMP-PDAF group

The main repository of TSMP-PDAF is found on GitHub (https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP).

Additional development of TSMP-PDAF is organized on Gitlab in the group TSMP-PDAF:



The Gitlab-group TSMP-PDAF currently contains the following repositories

  • TSMP: main repository, clone of GitHub TSMP from https://github.com/HPSCTerrSys/TSMP

  • TSMP-PDAF Manual: Repository for this manual.

  • TSMP-PDAF Build Scripts: Scripts for (remote) building of TSMP

  • TSMP-PDAF Component Models: Component Models used for building TSMP-PDAF

  • TSMP-PDAF Testcases: Testcases for TSMP-PDAF

  • TSMP-PDAF Presentations: Presentation slides for TSMP-PDAF

Open loop compilation of (TSMP-)PDAF

For compiling TSMP-PDAF with PDAF but without data assimilation, you can set the flag PDAF_NO-UPDATE in Makefiles under ./TSMP/bldsva/intf_DA/pdaf/arch/config/<compiler>.h. and in the line, where CPP_DEFS are set. Usually only -DUSE_PDAF is set, here you can add -DPDAF_NO_UPDATE.

If you compile once with this flag and once without, you should obtain two build-versions of TSMP-PDAF, one for open-loop runs and one for data assimilation runs.

Scripts and other resources