TSMP Build Examples

Attention: Not all of this examples were tested and paths are mostly made up.


Fully coupled TSMP with Oasis3-MCT

    ./build_tsmp.ksh -m JUWELS -c clm3-cos5-pfl -O Intel
    ./build_tsmp.ksh -m JURECA -c clm3-cos5-pfl  -O Intel

-O Intel: Currently, on JUWELS, on stage 2023, the compilation with Intel-Compiler is recommended. It can explicitly be called by the flag -O Intel.

The -c and -v flag are optional in this case because they are default.

-   **TSMP**

    -   revision `1b69ac4` on `master` Github repository `TSMP`

-   **clm3\_5**

    -   Version 3.5, `clm3_5/Copyright`, `share3_070321` in

    -   Gitlab repo
        revision `801b5304`

-   **cosmo5\_1**

    -   Gitlab repo

-   **oasis3-mct**

    -   similar: svn revision r1506, `svn info` (caused error)

    -   now: Gitlab repo
        tag `svn-r1506`, revision `bc58342`)

-   **parflow**

    -   Version v3.12.0 in `VERSION`

-   **NO pdaf**

    -   Version 1.15.0 in `/pdaf/src/PDAF-D_print_version.F90`,
        new version

Compile ParFlow standalone on JUWELS without compiler optimization

  ./build_tsmp.ksh -m JUWELS -c pfl -o "O0"

Compile new CLM4.0 + Cosmo5.1 on JURECA

  ./build_tsmp.ksh -m JURECA -c clm4-cos5 -C false

The new models are currently only supported for clm-cos and with alternative coupling-scheme.

Compile standalone eCLM

Branch master. Building eCLM. Currently, only standalone.

	./build_tsmp.ksh -c eclm -m JURECA -O Intel
	./build_tsmp.ksh -c eclm-mct -m JURECA -O Intel