TSMP-PDAF Preprocessor variables

A number of preprocessor variables are set during the build process of TSMP-PDAF in order to make the code behave in specific ways.

TSMP-PDAF environemnt variables are set in the machine-specific TSMP-PDAF build-script:


Example for setting preprocessor variables

Before listing the preprocessor variables, we give an example for setting them.

Preprocessor variables can be set in the TSMP-PDAF-build script TSMP/bldsva/intf_DA/pdaf/arch/build_interface_pdaf.ksh.

A preprocessor variable CPP_VAR is set by adding a line of the form:

	cppdefs+=" ${pf}-DCPP_VAR "

If this line is added at the beginning of configure_da(), the preprocessor variable is activated for all combinations of component models.

Later in the code, preprocessor variable can be set only for specific combinations of component models. Here is an example source code from script build_interface_pdaf.ksh:

  if [[ $withCLM == "true" && $withCOS == "false" && $withPFL == "true" ]] ; then
     cppdefs+=" ${pf}-DCOUP_OAS_PFL ${pf}-DMAXPATCH_PFT=1 "
     cppdefs+=" ${pf}-DOBS_ONLY_PARFLOW " # Remove for observations from both ParFlow + CLM
     if [[ $readCLM == "true" ]] ; then ; cppdefs+=" ${pf}-DREADCLM " ; fi
     if [[ $freeDrain == "true" ]] ; then ; cppdefs+=" ${pf}-DFREEDRAINAGE " ; fi
     obj+=' $(OBJCLM) $(OBJPF) '

The if-condition states that component models CLM and ParFlow are used. This corresponds to the flag -c clm-pfl-pdaf in the build-command.

The line cppdefs+=" ${pf}-DOBS_ONLY_PARFLOW " # Remove for observations from both ParFlow + CLM sets OBS_ONLY_PARFLOW. Analogously, any other preprocessor variable could be set.


Preprocessor variable CLMSA is true if CLM-standalone is used in TSMP-PDAF, i.e. no coupling to other component models (ParFlow, atmospheric model).

CLMSA is used in many places in TSMP-PDAF, where CLM-standalone specific code is introduced. This includes

  • observation reading

  • setting observation vector

  • setting state vector

  • communicator handling

  • localized filters

  • TSMP-PDAF-wrapper routines


Preprocessor variable PARFLOW_STAND_ALONE is true if ParFlow-standalone is used in TSMP-PDAF, i.e. no coupling to other component models (CLM, atmospheric model).

It is used less frequently than CLMSA, only at code places where the behavior of ParFlow-CLM-PDAF and ParFlow-PDAF should differ.


Preprocessor variable OBS_ONLY_PARFLOW is true if observations in TSMP-PDAF are of ParFlow-type.

This will remove unnecessary code during observation reading, when ParFlow-CLM-PDAF is built, but no CLM-type observations are included.


Preprocessor variable OBS_ONLY_CLM is true if observations in TSMP-PDAF are of CLM-type.

This will remove unnecessary code during observation reading, when ParFlow-CLM-PDAF is built, but no ParFlow-type observations are included.


Preprocessor variable WATSAT3D is set in common_build_interface.ksh in function c_configure_clm.

If it is turned on, the possibility of a read-in porosity is implemented in CLM’s iniTimeConst.F90.

Usage: Enforce consistent porosity in ParFlow and CLM.


Currently only in feature branch TSMP_pdaf-clm5.

If defined, CLM5.0 is used.

If undefined, CLM3.5 is used.

This distinction is important in many parts of the TSMP-PDAF-wrapper source code, when, f.e., function calls have changed from version 3 to version 5 of CLM.


If OLD_TRUNCATE_SAT is defined, the saturation truncation in function SaturationToPressure (file problem_saturationtopressure.c) is changed to an outdated default (before October 2023).

Reference for the current default saturation truncation in Hung et al (https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031549, Equation 11)

	if(psdat[ips] <= (s_res + 0.003) ) psdat[ips] = s_res + 0.003;

OLD_TRUNCATE_SAT will change this to the outdated default:

	if(psdat[ips] <= s_res) psdat[ips] = s_res + 0.01;


If PDAF_DEBUG is defined, PDAF’s debugging output is turned on at specific places in the code.

Currently implemented:

  • init_pdaf

  • assimilate_pdaf

Information on PDAF debugging: https://pdaf.awi.de/trac/wiki/PDAF_debugging