Input files for OASIS-MCT

When the component models of TSMP are coupled via OASIS-MCT, certain input files for the coupler need to be provided for a regular TSMP run. These files are principally the same for the execution of TSMP-PDAF and are shared among the different realisations. These input files include the file namcouple which defines the coupling between CLM and ParFlow, the netCDF file which is identical to the CLM input file containing the grid data (see CLM documentation) and the remapping files for the coupling ( See the OASIS-MCT documentation for more details. It is important to note here that the remapping files should be created by a single deterministic TSMP run of the model. The so created remapping files should then be copied to the TSMP-PDAF run directory. If the remapping files are not present when TSMP-PDAF is executed, each realisation will try to create these files. However, because the naming convention for the OASIS-MCT remapping files is fixed, this would lead to an undefined overwriting of these files from the different realisations.