Control file enkfpf.par

An additional file named enkfpf.par needs to be present in the TSMP-PDAF run directory.

enkfpf.par is read by the routine read_enkfpar in model/common/read_enkfpar.c.

enkfpf.par contains information about the different model components (ParFlow, CLM and data assimilation) like, e.g., the timing information of the models, the prefixes for the ParFlow/ CLM input files, etc.

This input is structured in four sections:

  • [PF] which holds information about ParFlow,

  • [CLM] which holds information about CLM

  • [COSMO] which holds information about COSMO

  • [DA] which holds information about the data assimilation process

An example for enkfpf.par is given below. Note that the sequence of the entries within these four categories can be changed if desired.

problemname        = ""
nprocs             =
starttime          =
dt                 =
endtime            =
simtime            =
updateflag         =
gwmasking          =
paramupdate        =
paramupdate_frequency =
dampingfactor_param =
dampingfactor_state =
damping_switch_sm =
aniso_perm_y       =
aniso_perm_z       =
aniso_use_parflow  =
printensemble      =
t_printensemble    =
printstat          =
paramprintensemble =
paramprintstat     =
olfmasking         =
olfmasking_param   =
olfmasking_depth   =

problemname = ""
nprocs      =
update_swc  =
update_texture  =
update_T  =
print_swc   =
print_et   =
statevec_allcol =
statevec_only_active =
statevec_max_layer =
t_printensemble =
watmin_switch =

nprocs      =
dtmult      =

outdir = ""
nreal =
startreal =
da_interval       =
stat_dumpoffset   =
point_obs =
crns_flag =
da_crns_depth_tol =
print_obs_index =

In the following the individual entries of enkfpf.par are described:



PF:problemname: (string) Problem prefix for ParFlow.


PF:nprocs: (integer) Number of processors per ParFlow instance. Must match with the specifications in the *.pfidb input.

This number of processors specifies a subset of the processors available in a single COMM_model. Each COMM_model contains npes_world / nreal processes.


PF:starttime: (real) ParFlow start time. Must match with the specifications in the *.pfidb input (TimingInfo.StartTime).


PF:dt: (real) Inverse factor multiplied to CLM and COSMO time steps. For coupled simulations, the quotient of CLM/COSMO time steps and this factor should be in agreement with the ParFlow time step (TimingInfo.BaseUnit in *.pfidb input files).

For CLM-ParFlow, PF:dt should be set as PF:dt = (dtime / TimingInfo.BaseUnit), where dtime is the time delta specified in the CLM namelist file (lnd.stdin).

For COSMO-ParFlow, PF:dt should be set as PF:dt = (dt_cos / TimingInfo.BaseUnit) * COSMO:dtmult. TODO: Document COSMO time step setting dt_cos.

It is implicitly assumed that ParFlow and CLM calculate the same number of time steps between two PDAF-calls (this number of time steps is specified in DA:da_interval).

For CLM-standalone simulations PF:dt determines the time unit of DA:da_interval for CLM simulations as (dtime / PF:dt). For CLM-standalone simulations, matching with the ParFlow time step is not an issue and it makes sense to choose PF:dt==1.0, such that DA:da_interval will specify the number of CLM time steps.

Examples for PF:dt

Example 1, CLMSA: PF:dt==1 means that CLM input dtime is the unit of DA:da_interval. For the default dtime of half an hour (1800 seconds), DA:da_interval==48 would specify daily observations.

Example 2, CLMSA: For dtime==1800 and PF:dt==0.5, the unit of DA:da_interval is 1 hour - the standard time unit of ParFlow. DA:da_interval==24 would specify daily observations.

Example 3, FallSchoolCase, CLM-ParFlow-PDAF: The FallSchoolCase has the following inputs concerning time stepping

  • CLM: dtime=3600

  • ParFlow: pfset TimingInfo.BaseUnit 1.0

  • enkfpf.par: (1) PF:dt==1.0, (2) DA:da_interval==1

Both, CLM and ParFlow use a time step of 1 hour. Therefore, PF:dt==1.0 is the correct choice. In this setup, DA:da_interval==1 specifies hourly observations.

Example 4: eCLM-PDAF, open loop: For an eCLM open loop runs it makes sense to choose DA:da_interval equal to PF:simtime, such that only one “assimilation” cycle is computed. Additionally, it makes sense to choose PF:dt==1, which means that DA:da_interval specifies tsclm, the number of time steps that eCLM will compute.

\[\begin{align*} \mathtt{tsclm} &= \frac{\mathtt{DA:da\_interval}}{\mathtt{PF:dt}} \end{align*}\]

PF:endtime (deprecated)

Deprecated. Sets PF:simtime.


PF:simtime: (real) Total simulation time (in terms of ParFlow timing).

For all simulations (including CLMSA): PF:simtime is used in conjunction with DA:da_interval to determine total_steps, the total number of iterations of the main data assimilation loop. Each iteration of the main data assimilation loop consists of one forward simulation and one data assimilation step.

\[\begin{align*} \mathtt{total\_steps} &= \frac{\mathtt{PF:simtime}}{\mathtt{DA:da\_interval}} \end{align*}\]

For ParFlow simulations, PF:simtime must match with the specifications in the *.pfidb input: PF:simtime must correspond to TimingInfo.StopTime MINUS TimingInfo.StartTime!


PF:updateflag: (integer) Type of state vector update in ParFlow.

  • 1: Assimilation of pressure data. State vector consists of pressure values (groundwater masking or a mixed state vector is introduced through PF:gwmasking) and is directly updated with pressure observations.

  • 2: Assimilation of soil moisture data. State vector consists of soil moisture content values and is updated with soil moisture observations. The updated soil moisture content is transformed back to pressure via the inverse van Genuchten functions.

  • 3: Assimilation of soil moisture data. State vector consists of soil moisture content and pressure values. Soil moisture data are used to update pressure indirectly.


PF:gwmasking: (integer) Groundwater masking for assimilation of pressure data (updateflag=1) in ParFlow.

  • 0: No groundwater masking.

  • 1: Groundwater masking using saturated cells only.

  • 2: Groundwater masking using mixed state vector.

For assimilating SM data (updateflag=2), the following masking options are included:

  • 0: No groundwater masking.

  • 1: Groundwater masking using unsaturated cells only.


PF:paramupdate: (integer) Flag for parameter update

  • 0: No parameter update

  • 1: Update of saturated hydraulic conductivity

  • 2: Update of Mannings coefficient

  • 3: Update porosity

  • 4: Update van Genuchten parameters

  • 5: Update hydraulic conductivity and porosity

  • 6: Update hydraulic conductivity and van Genuchten parameters

  • 7: Update porosity and van Genuchten parameters

  • 8 Update hydraulic conductivity, porosity and van Genuchten parameters


PF:paramupdate_frequency: (integer) Frequency of parameter updates. Default: 1

For each assimilation cycle it is checked whether tcycle mod paramupdate_frequency == 0. When this happens, a parameter update is applied. For the default of 1, each assimilation cycle contains a parameter update.


PF:dampingfactor_param: (real) Damping factor for parameter updates. Default 1.0.

The damping factor should be chosen between 0.0 and 1.0, where the inputs yield the following behavior:

  • 0.0: No parameter update.

  • 1.0: Parameter update without damping (default)

General equation for the damped, updated parameter vector

\[\begin{align*} p_{update, damped} &= p + \mathtt{dampingfactor\_param} \cdot ( p_{update} - p ) \end{align*}\]

where \(p\) is the parameter vector that is part of the state vector before assimilation and \(p_{update}\) is \(p\) after the assimilation.


PF:dampingfactor_state: (real) Damping factor for state updates. Default 1.0.

Remark: Currently implemented for updateflag==1.

The damping factor should be chosen between 0.0 and 1.0, where the inputs yield the following behavior:

  • 0.0: No state update.

  • 1.0: State update without damping (default)

General equation for the damped, updated state vector

\[\begin{align*} x_{update, damped} &= x + \mathtt{dampingfactor\_state} \cdot ( x_{update} - x ) \end{align*}\]

where \(x\) is the state vector (without parameters) before assimilation and \(x_{update}\) is the state vector after the assimilation.


PF:damping_switch_sm: (integer) Switch for applying damping factor for state updates to soil moisture. Default 1 (damping factor applied). Only applies for PF:gwmasking==2.

  • 0: State damping not applied to soil moisture

  • 1: State damping applied to soil moisture

General state damping is turned on by setting PF:dampingfactor_state to a positive value smaller than 1.0.


PF:aniso_perm_y: (real) Anisotropy factor of saturated hydraulic conductivity in y-direction. Only used when hydraulic conductivity is updated ([PF]paramupdate = 1). Important: Compare this anisotropy factor with the corresponding anisotropy factor from ParFlow-input. Currently, we believe that the ParFlow-factor is used in the beginning of the simulation, while the factor set here, is used after each parameter update.


PF:aniso_perm_z: (real) Anisotropy factor of saturated hydraulic conductivity in z-direction. Only used when hydraulic conductivity is updated ([PF]paramupdate = 1). Important: Compare this anisotropy factor with the corresponding anisotropy factor from ParFlow-input. Currently, we believe that the ParFlow-factor is used in the beginning of the simulation, while the factor set here, is used after each parameter update.


PF:aniso_use_parflow: (integer) If 1, heterogeneous anisotropy factors (computed from ParFlow permeability arrays before the PDAF update) are used to compute the permeability in y and z direction based on the permeability in x direction that has been updated by PDAF.

If 0, two homogeneous anisotropy factors are used to compute the updated permeabilities in y and z direction. These factors are read from the input variables PF:aniso_perm_y and PF:aniso_perm_z.


PF:printensemble: (integer) If set to 1, the updated state variables for all ensemble members is printed out as pfb files after each assimilation cycle.

Files are printed to [DA]outdir and follow the file naming convention of ParFlow. They include the specifier update in the file name.

For debug runs (PDAF_DEBUG), the state ensemble is also printed out before the DA update. The specifier for the files containing the pre-DA state ensemble is integrate.


PF:t_printensemble: (integer) The timestep for the state ensemble output switched on under PF:printensemble.

Default setting is -1, which means: Print debug output at every DA time step.


PF:printstat: (integer) If set to 1 (default) the ensemble statistics (mean and standard deviation) of the forecasted state variable are calculated and printed out as pfb files after each assimilation cycle. Files are printed to DA:outdir and follow the file naming convention of ParFlow. The output files include the specifiers press.mean/ in case of assimilated pressure update PF:updateflag = 1 and the specifiers swc.mean/ in case of assimilated soil moisture data PF:updateflag = 2 or PF:updateflag = 3.


PF:paramprintensemble: (integer) Only used in case of parameter update. If set to 1, the updated parameters are printed to pfb files (similar to [PF]printensemble). Output files include a specifier depending on PF:paramupdate, f.e. update.param.ksat, update.param.ksat.


PF:paramprintstat: (integer) Only used in case of parameter update. If set to 1 statistics on the updated parameters are printed to pfb files (similar to [PF]printstat).

The output files include a specifier depending on PF:paramupdate, f.e. param.ksat, param.mannings or param.poro.


PF:olfmasking: (integer) Only used in case you do not want to update the state on certain grid-cells during DA with pdaf. eg. not update the cell which is saturated. Masked cells are not used for the state update.

  • Option “1”: All cells at surface are masked.

  • Option “2” reads a pfb of masked cells (use-case: rivers/streams). The full soil column below the masked cells is not updated!

  • Option “3”: All saturated cells at surface are masked. Only implemented, when pressure is in the state vector, i.e. PF:updateflag is 1 or 3.


PF:olfmasking_param: (integer) Only used in case you do not want to update the parameters from the EnKF state vector on certain grid-cells during DA with pdaf. eg. not update the cell which is saturated. Masked cells are not used for the parameter update.

  • Option “1” All cells at surface are masked. Only implemented for PF:paramupdate==1.

  • NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: Option “2” reads a pfb for masking the stream.

  • Option “3”: All saturated cells at surface are masked. Only implemented for PF:paramupdate==1; PF:updateflag 1 or 3.


PF:olfmasking_depth: (integer) Number of layers (counted from surface) to mask in overland flow river masking. Default: 1.



CLM:problemname: (string) Problem prefix for CLM


CLM:nprocs: (integer) Number of processors for each CLM instance.

This number of processors specifies a subset of the processors available in a single COMM_model. Each COMM_model contains npes_world / nreal processes.


CLM:update_swc: (integer) Flag for update of soil moisture content in CLM (standalone only).


CLM:update_texture: (integer) Flag for update of soil parameter in CLM (standalone only).

  • 0: No update of soil parameter

  • 1: Update of soil parameter (clay or sand)

  • (only CLM5.0) 2: Update of soil parameter (clay, sand or organic matter)

  • (only CLM5.0) 3: Update of hydraulic conductivity log-transformed

  • (only CLM5.0) 4: Update of hydraulic conductivity, porosity, suction, hydraulic conductivity exponent B (see CLM5.0 technical manual


CLM:update_T: (integer) Flag for updating of ground and vegetation temperature.

Currently only CLM3.5

  • 0: No update of ground and vegetation temperature

  • 1: Update of ground and vegetation temperature


CLM:print_swc: (integer) If set to 1, the updated soil moisture content in CLM for all ensemble members is printed out as netcdf files (one file per realisation for the whole simulation period). Files are printed to the run directory and are named according to the CLM problem prefix of the corresponding realisation and include the specifier update in the file name.


CLM:print_et: (integer) Invoke function write_clm_statistics. For further information, see source code. Default: 0.


CLM:statevec_allcol: (integer) Switch for using all SWC columns of a CLM5 gridcell in the state vector.

If 0 (default): Only one SWC value per grid cell is saved in the state vector.

If 1: #columns SWC values per grid cell are saved in the state vector.


Not yet in main branch

CLM:statevec_only_active: (integer) Switch for using in the state vector only (1) hydrologically active columns of a CLM5 gridcell and (2) only layers until bedrock.

Only used, when CLM:statevec_allcol is switched on.

If 0 (default): Use all columns and all layers.

If 1: Use only hydrologically active columns and only layers until bedrock.


Not yet in main branch

CLM:statevec_max_layer: (integer) Number of layers to add in the state vector.

Only used, when CLM:statevec_allcol and CLM:statevec_only_active are switched on.

If 25 (default): All layers are in state vector.

If 9: Only the first nine layers in state vector (corresponds to 1.2 meter).

For a depth profile of CLM layers, see CLM Technical Note: Soil Layers.


CLM:t_printensemble: (integer) The timestep for the state ensemble output switched on with the debug flag PDAF_DEBUG.

Default setting is -1, which means: Print debug output at every DA time step.


CLM:watmin_switch: (integer) Switch for the values of minimal soil moisture checked and, if lower, set during updating CLM’s soil moisture h2osoi_vol.

Default setting is 0: Check and set 0.0, i.e. no negative values are allowed.

  • 3: CLM3.5 values: Check if SM in state vector is less than 0.00. If yes, set SM to 0.05.

  • 5: CLM5.0 values: Check if SM in state vector is less than CLM5.0’s watmin from clm_varcon.F90 (current value 0.01). If yes, set SM to watmin.



COSMO:nprocs: (integer) Number of processors for each COSMO instance.

Currently, COSMO:nprocs is NOT USED by TSMP-PDAF. Instead, COSMO will get processors if there are processes left by ParFlow and CLM: (npes_world / nreal) - (PF:nprocs + CLM:nprocs).


COSMO:dtmult: (integer) Number of COSMO time steps within one ParFlow time step.

Remark: This holds for PF:dt==1, otherwise PF:dt is another factor determining how COSMO rebuilds the ParFlow time step.



DA:outdir: (string) Directory where assimilation results should be written.


DA:nreal: (integer) Number of realisations used in the simulation. DA:nreal Must be equal to command line input n_modeltasks.

Remark: Ensemble sizes of 2 have been shown to lead to errors. Recommendation: Use at least an ensemble size of 4.


DA:startreal: (integer) Added to suffix-numbers for input file creation.


DA:da_interval: (double) Time interval (units of ParFlow timing, usually hours, check ParFlow input TimingInfo.BaseUnit,

After the time interval da_interval the forward simulation (integration) of all component models is stopped in the main loop of TSMP-PDAF (pdaf_terrsysmp.f90). Afterwards PDAF is called and it depends on the command line option delt_obs (Command line options) whether data assimilation is performed during this iteration. delt_obs will specify the number of steps (loop iterations) that PDAF will iterate back to the forward simulation, before performing the actual data assimilation.

For CLM simulations, DA:da_interval determines the number of CLM-time-steps between two assimilations together with PF:dt. See the section of PF:dt for more detail.

One exception is that the observation file is empty at a data assimilation step. Then, no data assimilation takes place and the next set forward integration steps is executed.

Formula for the simulation time between data assimilation steps (given non-empty observation files)

\[\begin{gather*} t_{\mathtt{betweenDA}} = \mathtt{da\_interval} \cdot \mathtt{delt\_obs} \cdot \mathtt{BaseUnit} \end{gather*}\]

Example 1 (FallSchoolCase): da_interval=1.0, delt_obs 12, TimingInfo.BaseUnit=1.0. In this case, component models will be simulated for 12 1-hour-steps between data assimilation times. So an assimilation will be applied each 12 hours.

Example 2: da_interval=24.0, delt_obs 1, TimingInfo.BaseUnit=1.0. In this case, component models will be simulated for 1 24-hour-step between data assimilation times. So an assimilation will be applied each 24 hours.

Remark: Performance analysis has shown that for an assimilation every n hours, it is beneficial to specify da_interval=n, delt_obs 1, instead of da_interval=1, delt_obs n.

In general, it is beneficial to set da_interval as large as possible for a given setup. One reason is that after each simulation time of da_interval, the routines assimilate_pdaf and update_tsmp are called, assembling EnKF state vectors and calling the PDAF library. Maximizing da_interval, minimizes the number of these calls and thus reduces compute time.


DA:stat_dumpoffset: File number offset for the data assimilation output files for ParFlow. Can be used when an assimilation run is restarted.


DA:screen_wrapper (added 02/2022): Variable for controlling output. Analogous to screen variable for PDAF. Values: (0) no outputs, (1) medium outputs (default), (2) debugging output.


DA:point_obs: (integer) Switch to turn off point observations, i.e. turn on multi-scale data assimilation.

Default value of point_obs is 1. This means that point observations are used for the data assimilation run.

If point_obs is set to 0, multi-scale data assimilation is used. Example: using SMAP satellite data over a large area.


DA:obs_interp_switch: (integer) Switch for using an interpolation of simulated measurements from the closest grid cells to the observation location.

Default: 0 (no interpolation)

Effect of obs_interp_switch=1:

  • For CLM-type observations the longitude and latitude inputs in the observation file are compared to the four neihboring grid points and the simulated measurements from these grid points are averaged with the distances to the grid points as weights.

  • For ParFlow-type observations the observation files need two more inputs: ix_interp_d and iy_interp_d. These index distances are used to compute an average of the simulated measurements from the value at the surrounding grid points in the x-y-plane.


DA:crns_flag: (int) Set to 1 will read the parflow soil moisture data as averaged soil moisture with the conventional weighting profile proposed in Schroen etal HESS 2017 to model CRNS observation. Default is zero.


DA:da_crns_depth_tol: (double) Convergence criteria for weighting procedure that “generate[s] a weighted average of [soil-moisture] point measurements that can be compared with […] [a] CRNS product” (Schrön et al, 2017

Only used if CRNS-observations are turned on by adding parameter depth in observation input.

Relevant to assimilating PF averaged soil moisture data only for the modelled CRNS data in Schroen etal in HESS 2017.

This is a convergence criteria (between 0 and 1) for the averaging skin depth (compare the weighting procedure described in Schrön et al, 2017, section 2.3).


DA:print_obs_index: (int) Switch for turning on output of the process-local grid-index-array of the obserations, obs_index_p.

For this output, debugging has to be turned on by PDAF_DEBUG.

Default: 0, output turned off.

Parameter Summary



default value































































































Default values for parameter file enkfpf.par.