Observation input

Observation input consists of a number of different inputs:

  • Observation files with correct name and content

  • Command Line Options

  • Preprocessor Variables

Observation files

Observation files for TSMP-PDAF are netCDF files which follow a certain naming convention. Each observation file has a fixed prefix followed by the formatted number of the assimilation cycle which is determined by da_interval . Additionally, the command line input delt_obs determines the number of assimilation cycles/iterations/steps that are run purely forward before checking an observation file again.

The prefix is chosen with the command line option obs_filename.

Example: If the chosen prefix is myobs, the observation files are named myobs.00001, myobs.00002, myobs.00003, etc.

General observation file variables

All observation files contain the following variable:


dim_obs: (int) The observation files contain one dimension named dim_obs which should be set equal to the number of observations for the respective assimilation cycle. The observation files for ParFlow should contain the following variables which all should have the dimension dim_obs (except variable dr in CLM observations files):


dampfac_state: (real) Input of a time dependent state damping factor. The damping factor for an update is given in the corresponding observation file. This damping factor applies only to updates of dynamic states in the DA-state vector and, when existing, replaces the general input from PF:dampingfactor_state.


dampfac_param: (real) Input of a time dependent state damping factor. The state vector for an update is given in the corresponding observation file. This damping factor applies only to parameter updates in the DA state vector and, when existing, replaces the general input from PF:dampingfactor_param.

ParFlow observation file variables

If TSMP-PDAF is only applied with ParFlow, the following variables have to be specified in the observation files:


obs_pf: (real) Observations for ParFlow (either pressure or soil moisture)


obserr_pf: (real) Observation errors which can be different for individual observations (optional). If this variable is not present. the command line option rms_obs (see Command line options) will be used to define the observation error (equal for all observations).


ix: (integer) Position of the observation in the ParFlow grid in x-direction.


iy: (integer) Position of the observation in the ParFlow grid in y-direction.


iz: (integer) Position of the observation in the ParFlow grid in z-direction.


idx: (integer) Index of the observation in the ParFlow grid.

The positions are always relative to the south-east corner cell at the lowest model layer. The index idx can be calculated as follows:

\[\begin{gather*} idx = (iz-1) \cdot nx \cdot ny + (iy-1) \cdot nx + ix \end{gather*}\]

where nx and ny are the number of grid cells in x- and y-direction respectively and ix, iy and iz are the positions of the observation in x-, y- and z-direction.


gw_indicator: (integer) Indicates if the observation is a pressure observation. Values: 0, 1.

  • 0: Soil water content observation (i.e. no pressure)

  • 1: Pressure observation

Used only for gwmasking=2 (mixed state vector). When pressure observations are present, the state vector variable at the observation location and below is set to pressure (it may have been set to soil water content before).


ix_interp_d: (real) Offset of the correct observation locations compared to the position of the observation in the ParFlow grid assigned with ix. Only used when DA:obs_interp_switch is set to 1.

The correct observation location should be located at

\[\begin{gather*} x_{obs} = x_{grid}(ix) + \mathtt{ix\_interp\_d} \cdot \Delta x \end{gather*}\]


  • Important: 0 <= ix_interp_d < 1.

  • \(x_{obs}\): x-coordinate of the observation location

  • \(x_{grid}(ix)\): x-coordinate of grid cell with index ix in the ParFlow grid. Note that \(x_{grid}(ix) = \max_{ix}\{x(ix) | x(ix) < x_{obs}\}\) (closest grid point that is smaller than \(x_{obs}\))

  • \(\Delta x\): Difference of x-coordinate between grid cells neighboring observation location: \(\Delta x = x_{grid}(ix+1) - x_{grid}(ix)\)


This example shows how to set ix_interp_d from a given (1) grid and (2) observation location.

Let the observation location be at longitude \(x_{obs} = 6.404\).

Let the grid be simple going from 6.3 to 6.5 in steps of 0.02. Example grid locations:

  • \(x_{grid}(1) = 6.3\)

  • \(x_{grid}(6) = 6.4\)

  • \(x_{grid}(11) = 6.5\)

We find ix and ix_interp_d as follows:

  1. Find the two grid locations with longitudes closest to the observation location: \(x_{grid}(6) = 6.4\), \(x_{grid}(7) = 6.42\)

  2. Choose the index of the grid location smaller than \(x_{obs}\) for observation file input ix: ix=6

  3. Compute ix_interp_d from the two closest grid locations as follows

\[\begin{gather*} \mathtt{ix\_interp\_d} = \frac{ x_{obs} - x_{grid}(ix)}{ \Delta x} \end{gather*}\]

Here this leads to ix_interp_d=0.2.

We can check this by computing \(x_{obs}\) from ix, ix_interp_d:

\[\begin{align*} x_{obs} &= x_{grid}(6) + \mathtt{ix\_interp\_d} \cdot \Delta x \\ &= 6.4 + 0.2 \cdot 0.02 = 6.4 + 0.004 = 6.404 \end{align*}\]


iy_interp_d: (real) Offset of the correct observation locations compared to the position of the observation in the ParFlow grid assigned with iy. Only used when DA:obs_interp_switch is set to 1.

The correct observation location should be located at

\[\begin{gather*} y_{obs} = y_{grid}(iy) + \mathtt{iy\_interp\_d} \cdot \Delta y \end{gather*}\]


  • Important: 0 <= iy_interp_d < 1.

  • \(y_{obs}\): y-coordinate of the observation location

  • \(y_{grid}(iy)\): y-coordinate of grid cell with index iy in the ParFlow grid. Note that \(y_{grid}(iy) = \max_{iy}\{y(iy) | y(iy) < y_{obs}\}\) (closest grid point that is smaller than \(y_{obs}\))

  • \(\Delta y\): Difference of y-coordinate grid cells neighboring observation location: \(\Delta y = y_{grid}(iy+1) - y_{grid}(iy)\)


This example shows how to set iy_interp_d from a given (1) grid and (2) observation location.

Let the observation location be at longitude \(y_{obs} = 50.910\).

Let the grid be simple going from 50.8 to 51.0 in steps of 0.02. Example grid locations:

  • \(y_{grid}(1) = 50.8\)

  • \(y_{grid}(6) = 50.9\)

  • \(y_{grid}(11) = 51.0\)

We find iy and iy_interp_d as follows:

  1. Find the two grid locations with longitudes closest to the observation location: \(y_{grid}(6) = 50.9\), \(y_{grid}(7) = 50.92\)

  2. Choose the index of the grid location smaller than \(y_{obs}\) for observation file input iy: iy=6

  3. Compute iy_interp_d from the two closest grid locations as follows

\[\begin{gather*} \mathtt{iy\_interp\_d} = \frac{ y_{obs} - y_{grid}(iy)}{ \Delta y } \end{gather*}\]

Here this leads to iy_interp_d=0.5.

We can check this by computing \(y_{obs}\) from iy, iy_interp_d:

\[\begin{align*} y_{obs} &= y_{grid}(6) + \mathtt{iy\_interp\_d} \cdot \Delta y \\ &= 50.9 + 0.5 \cdot 0.02 = 50.9 + 0.01 = 50.910 \end{align*}\]

CLM observation file variables

If TSMP-PDAF is only applied with CLM, different variables have to be specified in the observation files:


obs_clm: (real) Observations for CLM (soil moisture)


obserr_clm: (real) Observation errors which can be different for individual observations (optional). If this variable is not present. the command line option rms_obs (see Command line options) will be used to define the observation error (equal for all observations).


lon: (real) Longitude of the observation.


lat: (real) Latitude of the observation.


layer: (integer) CLM layer where the observation is located (counted from uppermost CLM layer).


dr: (real) Snapping distance for the observation.

Attention This variable should have a length of 2 (one snapping distance in longitude direction and another snapping distance in latitude direction).

Each of the CLM observations is snapped to the nearest CLM grid cell based on the given lon, lat and the snapping distance dr which should be smaller than the minimum grid cell size.

Multi-Scale Data Assimilation observation file variables

The multi-scale data assimilation has been implemented for Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter(LETKF) filter (filtertype=5).

Definition: Multiscale DA means that the simulation grid and measurement grid are at different scales.

Example for multi-scale data assimilation: Using SMAP satellite soil moisture data at 9km resolution and a simulation grid at 1km resolution. In this case the measurement gives than an average soil moisture for the upper 5cm of the soil for 9 x 9 grid cells = 81 grid cells. We do not have measurements for all individual grid cells, but just an average value over those 81 grid cells (and the upper 5cm).

To turn on multi-scale data assimilation, we need to specify in enkfpf.par the entry DA:point_obs to value 0 (integer).

Then in the observation files we need to specify variable var_id and the dimension dim_nx and dim_ny.



var_id: (integer) ID of cells with similar observations.

Only used for multi-scale data assimilation (turned on using DA:point_obs).

The size of var_id is dim_obs.

var_id has equal values over model grid cells, which have range of similar observations values from raw data over them.

The values of var_id can be grouped starting from 1 for similar observation values to other integers (2,3,4,5 etc.) for other similar observations.

If there are no observations over some grid cells than a negative var_id (integer) is assigned to them.


dim_nx: (int) This is the x-dimension of the remote sensing measurment in multi-scale Data Assimilation.


dim_ny: (int) This is the y-dimension of the remote sensing measurment in multi-scale Data Assimilation.

Observation time flexibility

Currently, in TSMP-PDAF there are a number input options that determine, when observations are read-in and assimilated:

The goal of this section is to show how these inputs can be used to create a flexible observation time input.

First, da_interval and TimeInfo.BaseUnit define the forward integration step that is executed during on iteration of the main TSMP-PDAF loop. This is the smallest time interval in your model and it determines the counter, also for observation file names. So da_interval should be small enough that each possible observation can be attributed to one timestep.

Next, delt_obs is used to specify if data assimilation is not to be called at every iteration/cycle of da_interval. If two available observations are only da_interval apart, delt_obs has to be set to 1. However, suppose observations daily at noon, and da_interval is one hour, then delt_obs could be chosen as 24.

Now, PDAF will be called every delt_obs iterations/cycles. However, there is one last way of manipulating observation input, by setting the NetCDF variable no_obs in the observation file to 0. In this case, PDAF will skip the assimilation during that observation files cycle. So, in principle, one could set delt_obs to 1, thus needing an observation file at every cycle. At each timestep that is not supposed to be assimilated, one could supply an alsmost-empty observation file with just a single variable no_obs that has the value 0. By this workaround, one obtains a fairly flexible observation time input!

Example code for setting variable no_obs to zero in an existing NetCDF file:

import scipy.io as scio

f = scio.netcdf_file("swc_obs.00001","a", mmap=False) # append

Example code for generating a minimal NetCDF observation file with just one variable no_obs set to zero:

import numpy as np
import scipy.io as scio

f = scio.netcdf_file("swc_obs.00001","w", mmap=False) # write
f.createDimension("dim_noobs", 1)
f.createVariable("no_obs", np.int32, ["dim_noobs"])

Specifying type of observation at compile time

The following preprocessor variables let the user specify the expected observational input (i.e. ParFlow or CLM observations) at compile time (during the build-process). This may save some time during execution as certain parts of the source code are not accessed at all.

CLM observations: Set

ParFlow observations: Set

See also: Example for setting preprocessor variables